Clarion-Ledger from Jackson, Mississippi (2024)

SECTION ONE PAGE 3 THE CLARION-LEDGER, JACKSON, FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1947 IT IS GOOD BUSINESS to pub (0000 Mojst of the hardwood forests of the United States are found In the cast, the western hardwoods being found mostly In river bottoms and valleys. A A WIIMCCD'C licize your wants where they are seen and satisfied. Phone your Wanted to Buy ad to the Clarion-Ledger today. Dial 3-2421. ARNALL TO SPEAK Raleigh, N.

April 17 (INS) Ellis Arnall, former governor of Georgia, scheduled to speak at St. Marys School and Junior college in Raleigh Monday night. foSXOfJ- kJaf-tlLSiri-IV la? GRILL Home Cooked MEALS -55c Home Baked Pies 15c PA Rj-ISiAlRj I sr Wo A J5 0C HI JERJ TEA Jr I PiE "r1M A Kl h'aIppiE nsHaimoIn'g AiTOiNiEns NEjTiS i pIsHsTp i eIpQwe, BjA VLJS H)EjULljP) NSPRiAN I wnriPjA n's I 6 i In tDo wlol ijviE JL JL 5TTk AIS Epl AjV s'Wes Ia "lT mnLTpIe" Solon Sees Threat To Mexican Treaty Washington, April It (IS) Rep. Murdock i (D) warned today that American fulfillment of treaty obligations to Mexico will be threatened unless eighteen million dollars for construction of the Davis a am near Las Vegas is included in the Interior Department budget. Murdock announced his Intentions to join other western representatives of both parties to prevent drastic reduction in reclamation project funds.

mm mm NEW PRESIDENT Miami. April 17 (INS) W. H. Walker, of Miami, was today the new president of the Southeastern Conference, of the U. S.

Savings and Loan League. YWMLADI0LU5 Order Case of yonr favorite BEER From NORTH JACKSON BEVERAGE SERVICE We Deliver Dial 3-0201 T-BOXE STEAKS and PORK CHOPS 65c i A. .3. -v igoist IUU BARGAIN IN AMI RICA 14. Geometric 1 ratio 15.

Indifference 18. Exclamation 19. Narrate! ageia 40. Perceive 41. Deposited 43.

Type measure 44. Rough exterior of bark 45. Aquatic birds 47. Crowd 4. Feminine, narre 50.

Parts of shoes 64. Topaz hum mingbird 65. Sod: poetio 67. Rodent 51. Low haunt 53.

Kuropean dormouse 0. Wrath 61. ARB 62. Alleviate 63. Kote of the crow ACROSS I.

Distant 4. Buildlr, tots I. Debased Irtfh coin 12. Flurry 3. Oriental measure 14.

Biblical king 15. Stuff 1. Stone 1 7. Small drink IS. Eloquent add rem 50.

Eat away 22. Negative prfli 23. Type of propeller 2. Glut 2C. Health resort 2S.

Indo-Chinese kingdom 51. Masculine Dime 32. Pertaining to grapea Cor. S. State Jh Silas Brown Phone 3-8531 Ttilnk of H'Ttiiaamaiia low arieobrincavfHS I'Ki hdmniDf mi butto a glotwtm ratnbnw mix elwa atah.tnre nrwtiM: PsrarHy, tr.

Hbtrimr 'iamtle, l'ay Lou. Maid of frlana. 7 Solution of Yetefday' Puzzle Montgomery, April 17 (INS) A minority group of the interim highways committee today it on record as opposing the proposed one cent a gallon increase in Alabama's gasoline tax to speed a farm-to-market road program. MEETING THE RIGHT PEOPLE to fill your needs is easy through a Clarion Ledger Want Ad. Phone 3-2421.

RALPH SERVES GOOD FOOD oU raniaao any whi.h Hm not PLOtfrCft 'If now wbila thar laat! Bni ia plant of tat planting. Moiwy Nw atiarantaa. arit Fmroirt ordata raaehre a TCRKROHUS wit a. not 4ltiftul oaet. Bloom fira y.a, into vtiy white.

flower. 2 to 2 ft. tail, can bo grows ia pot, too. ftgNW HO MONEY HUSH OHM Caa 4m eeaft twopexl atee par Dlue paateao an) atrial. ova4 orUar, am.

and ailrae to MICHIGAN BULB Dept. G-62S DOWN Card Kama Jewish month Sentimental European country Drive-In Patrons Witness Gun Battle Atlanta, April 17 (INS) Patrons of two Atlanta drive-ins today were still shaking from the gun battle they had witnessed between the Dolice and a negro. A ARMY, NAVY, MARINES GRILL Bat. 43 A- AZALIAS ROSE BUSHES ic SHRUBBERY ic BEDDING PLANTS Ladnscaping Seeds Pets and Pet Supplies Harkins 9 Dial 3-9321 603 W. Capitol Tel.

S-KUS The negro was wounded and Phona S41 Starts Today and COAST GUARD VETERANS See us about getting back your hard earned stripes. TJ s. ARMY RECEtTTING 5o4 Post Office Bldg. Jackson, Miss. BAGBY HALL MOTORS Exclusive Lineoln-Merenry Dealer Jackson.

Miss. Supporting a 100 Volunteer Army I -S 1 taken to Grady hospital. His condition was reported as critical. Police said they received a tip that a negro would attemnt to sell some stolen tires at a filling station near the drive-ins. When the negro, later Identified as George Owens, appeared, detectives approached him and showed their badges.

At that. Owens allegedly drew out his revolver and started firing. The detectives continued the duel until Owens was hit. I. Othello's false friend 6.

Instruments for measuring the escape of watery vapor from plants 7. Devour 8. Absolute 9. Fame 10. Greedy 11.

Tube 19. Drive a nail obliquely 21. Behave 24. Artificial waterways 25. Part of a flower 26.

Hawaiian farewell 27. Bony scales 23. Semicircular parts of buildings HO. Buffoons 32. Playing card iS.

Hoosier state: abbr. 36. Command 37. Denoting equal barometrio pressure 42. Large lizard 44.

Bird of the Arabian NiKhts 40. Ten-doliar gold piece 47. Convenes 48. Put carjro aboard a ship 49. State 51.

Woodwind instrument 52. Kind of rubber 53. Cook In water 56. Meadow Sat. 7:30 P.

M. Central Hi JACKSON YOUTH la lJ VM' I4 17 a J0, is ill i A wmz wif id 35 fir 35 IP 23 mMr's? fa 54 55" W'Sf TTi KH Hr WE TONIGHT 8:15 P.M. LEAGUE PARK FOR HOTEL irn Dr. Terry S. Oxier D.V.M.

Announces The Association Of Dr. W. R. DeMoss D.V.M. With Him At JACKSON ANIMAL HOSP.

Meadowbrook Road Dial 2-1190 Res. CHRIST 5yc in fhes songs from America heart "Careless Love" Golden Vanitee" "Black Is The of My True Love's Hair" "Mr. Froggie Went A-Courting" Th Friendly JXN "I l.lii V. 4.PRIL 1 PRESENTS Clarion-Leger Want Ad An ad-writer helps with right wording when you call 3-2421. 1 PHILCO Troubadour Yicrory Room Because of the unusual demand for our Victory Room and the large number of commitments we have made for its use for conventions, our night club will be closed until May 31, 1947.

7 P. M. JACKSON Versus VICKSBURG Lad's Arm Amputated Following Auto Crash Birmingham. April 817 (INS) Seven-year-old Kenneth Ray West, of Birmingham, today is recovering from the amputation of his left arm and from severe head ggrgg Ill Rhodes Perdue -Collins FURNITURE COMPANY Cartel at President Street I llll'. injuries following an auto accident.

The young son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde West was hit by an automo-hlle on Tuscoloosa avenue in the DOCTOR Saturday, Last Day Magic City yesterday. In another Birmingham accident. Richard Newfield.

14, suffered head injuries and shock when his motor-hike and an auto collided near Five Points. Bedford, (AP) James McClellan Smith. 74-year old retired cabinet maker who claims direct descent from pilgrim Captain John Smith, is exhibiting an oak coffin he says he has made for himself. "I have spent my whole life preparing for the hereafter," he said. 'and this coffin is only a small part of it." Smith said he read his Bible every day and tried to observe the Air 1 If Opens 9:45 NOW SHOWING Prices 15c-45c-55c stStflfirsOTsff idtffWtiklSi I' VitAR AS VDtf PAY AT 4 t.

Jo lOVt? golden rule, never has used tobacco or liquor and never indulged in a game of chance. 105 E. Capitol Jackson (X cii area I DEL FEHSENFELD St. Louis, Mo. Graduate of Baylor University-r S3 Assistant to th Editor of "The Sword of The Lord" Nationally known Youth Speaker.

ALSO COPIAH LINCOLN JR. COLLEGE GLEE CLUB Miss Julia Guess, Director DRESS UP DAY for the yard. Locate lawn furniture with a 4 International Picture, presents -in OlMadeHavilland IewAynes i.ih. NUNNALLY JOHNSON Atlanta, Salvation SW- Army Band Trio Quizzes Fun wwo 1 -1. "Geared to the Times But Anchored to the Rock" THOMAS MITCHELL 834 West Capitol Street fJMKr-KOM Added Attractions I1EADLINER "MELODY TIME SPORTS "KENTUCKY RACKETEERS' COMEVG MONDAY.

APRIL 21 "SISTER KENNY" ROSALIND RUSSELL ALEXANDER KNOT DEAN JAGGER COMING THURSDAY. APRIL 24 "THE RED HOUSE" NOW SHOWING GAMBLE WITH SOULS! AU a 1 a I naa awM. VI Witt vps v. Opens 11:50 Prices 3 9c-15c Opens 11:50 Prices 30c-15c DOUBLE FEATURE Now. Showing IO OUR NO.IZ I ALL DIFFERENT Starring Johnny Mack Brown, Raymond Hatton, Sarah Padden Onea 10:44 Sat.

45 I Tel. -185 Range Law KNOW HOW to make a "snack" taste like a feast? Just STOP for FalstafF! There's something about delicious FalstafFthat just naturally makes foot taste better. And that "something" is FalstafF. famous Premium Quality flavor. Starts Today KNOW WHY no other beer can duplicate the flavor you enjoy in FalstatF? It's because only FalstafF uses a thorobred yeast so fine it's insured for 1,000,000.00.

And, as experts agree, yeast is vital to beer flavor. Join the folks who know good STOP for Premium Quality FalstafF. 1 wmKKBmmmmmtKmXmmm St'A Feature No. 2 WITH YOUR FAVOPITC CARTOON CHARACTERS WICKEY MOUSE PLUTO BUGS BUNNY "RANGE DEFENDERS" Robert Livingston Ray Corrigan "JUNGLE GIRL NO. 11" (11 Let's Stop for Premium II I aT A II I Quality FALSTAFF!" PCPEYE PORKY DONALD DUCK 6 Gu Wesfem 3 Stooges Comedy Technicolor Musical Liar op THCBEsr rotve see A L5LJ Box Office Opens At 6:38 TODAY ONLY Robert Alda Andrea King "Beast With Five Fingers" "Df.i-y Dcade" K1TJDIE SHOW 9:15 SAT.

Children's Film No. 15 "THE UNDER PUP" Robt. Camminri Gloria Jean -Flicker Flash" -aV i You Can't Beat the Old-Fashioned Way When it comes to making beer, trie Id way is still the best way. Quality ingredients careful brewing give FalstafF the flavor old-timers remember' with pleasure! TODAY ONLY: Gene Antry in "UNDER FUSTA "UncivU War Birds" Three Stooges. "Phantom Serial Chap! ter 1, World News.


Clarion-Ledger from Jackson, Mississippi (2024)
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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

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Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.