Obituaries and Death Notices of Van Zandt County, Texas (2024)

Thos. Aldrich, the accommodating citizen and drayman of Wills Point, died Monday and was buried Tuesday with Odd Fellow honors. His death was caused by accidentally swallowing a fish-bone, which took effect in his stomache. The Wills Point people lose a good man and citizen. (The Canton Texas, Canton, Tex, Mar 30, 1883 - vm)

Fruitvale Man Succumbs at 82
A. B. Baldwin, 82, of Fruitvale, Van Zandt County, died early Tuesday in a Terrell hospital after an illness of several months.
Services will be held at 3 p.m. Wednesday at the Red Oak Baptist Church with the Rev. Ed Barrett officiating. Burial will be in the Rader Cemetery at Red Oak.
Baldwin is survived by three sons, Charles E. Baldwin of Dallas, John Baldwin of Redmonds, Calif. and Carl Baldwin of Red Oak; three daughters, Mrs. Elmo Shaw and Mrs. G. M. Lewis of Dallas and Mrs. John Burrow of Fruitdale; three brothers, F. E. Baldwin of Terrell, the Rev. E. T. Baldwin of Fort Worth; a sister, Mrs. Kate Fox of Dallas; fourteen grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. (Dallas Morning News, June 25, 1947, Submitted by: Christina Anthony)

Grand Saline, Texas. Final rites for Jesse Norman Bodie of Fruitvale were held at the Fruitvale Baptist Church with the Rev. Ed Barrett officiating. Burial was in the Highland Cemetery.
Bodie's survivors include his wife; a son, Jesse Bodie of Fruitvale; a daughter, Mrs. C. G. Daniels of Fruitvale; two brothers, Dwayne Bodie of Dallas and J. H.. Bodie of Lancaster; five sisters, Mrs. W. H. Lewis of Lindale, Mrs. F. B. Bunch, Mrs. J. W. Prestridge, Mrs. L. V. Thompson and Mrs. J. R. Hazel, all of Fruitvale; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bodie of Fruitvale, and two grandchildren. (Dallas Morning News, January 3, 1955, Submitted by: Christina Anthony)

Uncle Johnnie Burns died at his residence at this place the latter part of last week. He has been a citizen of Canton for many years, and has held nearly every office in the county. His loss is felt by all. (The Canton Texas, Canton, Tex, Mar 30, 1883 - vm)

J. C. Burrage of Martin's Mill died Monday night at 8 o'clock after an illness of several days. Mr. Burrage was engaged in the mercantile business. He was one of the pioneer citizens of this county and is well and favorably known to many of its citizens, all of whom will be sorry to learn of his demise. (Free State Enterprise, Canton, Tex, Oct 31, 1901 - vm)

Arthur Butler died near Canton, Tex., from the effects of his horse throwing him. (Palestine Daily Herald, Palestine, Tex, Sept 8, 1904 - vm)

Mrs. Sarah J. Cox died last Sunday afternoon at 6 o'clock at the home of her son in this city, Constable Ed Long. Mrs. Cox had been in bad health for some time and had only been confined to her bed about two weeks. Her malady was some kind of lung trouble. She was 63 years of age and a consistent member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. She was a kind and devoted mother and her Christian example has been and will continue to be a blessing to those she leaves behind. Her remains were laid to rest Monday afternoon in the cemetery at Myrtle Springs. Rev. H. B. Urqhart conducting the funeral exercises. The Enterprise sympathizes with the grief stricken relatives. (Free State Enterprise, Canton, Tex, Oct 31, 1901 - vm)

Mrs. Ella Crawford, Grand Saline, Dies.
Mrs. Ella J. Crawford, 67, wife of Nal M. Crawford, Grand Saline attorney, died Wednesday night at a Dallas hospital after a long illness. She was born in Georgia and lived in Van Zandt County for forty-five years, taking an active role in affairs of the Main Street Baptist Church.
In addition to her husband, she is survived by a son, Simpson Crawford, Grand Saline, three daughters, Mrs. J. D. Cross, Long Beach, Calif., Mrs. Paul Stanford, Canton, and Mrs. J. C. Riter, Dallas; a sister, Mrs. Lou Stewart, Ranger, and a grandson, Paul Stanford, Jr.
Funeral services will be held at Grand Saline at 3 p.m. Thursday with the Rev. Robert Fling and the Rev. John T. Key officiating. (Dallas Morning News, April 14, 1938, Submitted by: Christina Anthony)

Died: Of consumption, on the 16th of October 1850, at the residence of Captian Bundy, Vanzandt county, Texas, Rev. Samuel Foster Donnell, of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. (Texas State Gazette, Austin, Tex, March 29, 1851 - vm)

Grand Saline Merchant Dies
Grand Saline, Texas, June 11. E. L. Dorough, 66, pioneer Grand Saline merchant, died suddenly here shortly after noon Monday. Mr. Dorough had been in business in Grand Saline for forty years. He is survived by his wife and four children. Funeral services have not yet been arranged. (Dallas Morning News, June 12, 1934, Submitted by: Christina Anthony)

Wills Point, Van Zandt Co., Tex., Feb. 6. Mrs. Y.A. Douglass died last evening. (Dallas Morning News (Dallas, TX) Thursday, February 8, 1894 sd)

Mrs. Zillah H. Ellis, wife Prof. Ellis, of Midlothian, Ellis county, shot herself through the head the other day with a pistol. Prof. Ellis had been living there a few days only, having moved there from Wills Point. They had just completed an elegant little home. Mrs. Ellis is a sister of Mr. C. B. Gillespie of Dallas. (Jacksonville Banner, Jacksonville, Tex, Aug 4, 1894 - vm)

It is with sincere regret that we chronicle the death of Mrs. Dixie Finley (nee Key), which sad event occurred last week at her home in Ben Wheeler, Van Zandt County, Texas. While it was known that she had been in low health for several months, yet the telegram to her father, Dr. M. H. KEY, announcing her death was a severe shock to her relatives and friends; of the latter she had many, and all who knew her loved her. She was a true, loving daughter, and affectionate wife and mother. To the grief-stricken relatives, husband and mother-loss little one we tender condolence. (Dallas Morning News, Jan. 18, 1894 sd)

Wills Point, Tex. , June 24. – Mrs. Endora Flournoy of Mineola, who died at Mineral Wells, was buried here. A number of out-of-town relatives attended the services. (Dallas Morning News, 25 June 1910 MZ)

FRAZIER, Son of C. M.
Mr. C. M. Frazier's little boy, about four years old died Monday. The Sun extends condolence to the bereaved family. (The Grand Saline Sun, Grand Saline, Tex, Mar 19, 1896 - vm)

Wills Point, Van Zandt Co., Tex. , Feb. 24. – Mrs. H. Fuller, wife of Henry Fuller, died yesterday, aged 74 years. (Dallas Morning News, 26 Feb. 1897 MZ)

J. W. Germany Dies At Grand Saline Home.
Grand Saline, Texas, July 7. J. W. Germany, 86, Captain in the Fortieth Mississippi Regiment during the Civil War, died here Tuesday. Funeral services will be held at 3 o'clock Wednesday at the Grand Saline Methodist Church.
Mr. Germany settled at Edom in Van Zandt County in 1866. In the early '80s he went to West Texas where he became County Judge of Nolan County and organized Fisher County. He was a stanch supporter of Jim Hogg. He had been living in Grand Saline for thirty years. Mr. Germany took an active interest in lodge and church affairs. He served in some official capacity in Methodist church for a period of over seventy years. He was made a Mason at Edom, oldest lodge in this section of the State, in 1874.
He is survived by his wife and three children, Mrs. Hal Kennedy of Grand Saline, Eugene Germany of Dallas, and Garvin Germany of Austin, Julius Germany, a Dallas attorney, who was his oldest son, died two years ago. (Dallas Morning News, July 8, 1931, Submitted by: Christina Anthony)

Senator Greer Dead - Wills Point Solon Succumbed at His Residence
Wills Point, Texas, June 4 - State Senator William Jeffries Greer, who has been ill at his residence here since his return from Austin, died Tuesday. Mr. Greer was born in South Carolina April 6, 1853. He came to Gilmer, Texas, in 1864. He commenced to practice law in Van Zandt county, served as District Attorney from 1902 until 1906, when he was elected to the State Senate from this district. He served with credit in the Senate, was president pro tem during the Thirty-third session and was a member of the Senate at his death.
He is survived by his widow and eight children, Mrs. Judge Mell of Gilmer, Mrs. Clarence Hubbard of Wills Point, Neil Greer of Harleton, Texas; Miss Ella Greer and Messrs. Earl, Barry, William and Gossett Greer of Wills Point. (The Houston Post, Houston, Tex, Jun 5, 1913 - vm)

Henry Hill, living with his son, F. Hill, near Zandt, died last Wednesday night, 11th inst., at 10 o'clock. (Free State Enterprise, Canton, Tex, Dec 26, 1901 - vm)

Gored By a Bull
Warren Hollis, being about seven miles southeast of Grand Saline, Van Zandt county, was gored by a bull while attempting to drive the animal out of his garden. The horn entered the right side below the ribs, inflicting a wound about four inches wide and penetrating the abdominal cavity. The wound is not necessarily fatal. (East Texas Pinery, Livingston, Tex, Aug 2, 1894 - vm)

Mrs. J. G. Galster of 2001 East Fifth Avenue, has been informed of the death, by drowning, at Canton, Texas, near Houston, of her brother, John H. Leker, while on a fishing trip.
Mr. Leker, who was 41 years of age, made his home at Houston, having moved tot hat city from Stuttgart, where he had lived for many years. Besides his widow and one child, he leaves three sisters, Mrs. Galster of Pine Bluff and Mrs. Lizzie Taylor and Mrs. Louise Warner, both of Stuttgart. (Pine Bluff Daily Graphis, Pine Bluff, Ark., Sept 4, 1917 - vm)

Father of Former Resident Killed
Funeral services were to be held in Dallas Tuesday for John Herbert McKee, 49-year-old traveling auditor for the Missouri-Kansas Texas Railway, who was killed Saturday night when his automobile overturned in loose gravel near Canton, Tex. Mr. McKee was the father of Lionel McKee of Tulsa, Okla, formerly Big Spring office manager of the Postal Telegraph and Cable company. (Big Spring Daily Herald, Big Spring, Tex, Jul 11, 1933 - vm)

Mrs. Jane Millsaps of Donalsonville, La., wife of W. E. Millsaps, died Thursday morning, Oct 24, at 3 o'clock, after nearly two weeks' illness. Her remains were placed in the family cemetery at Donalsonville, Friday. W. E. Millsaps, the bereaved husband is a brother to R. M. Millsaps and Mrs. S. P. Wilcoxon of this place and Due Millsaps of Ben Wheeler - [Edgewood Post] (Free State Enterprise, Canton, Tex, Oct 31, 1901 - vm)

Ford, Jan. 10 - Mrs. M. J. Morris of Scott community - her son, Dave Morris, and other relatives, took sick at Manuel Reed's and died the 4th, of pneumonia. A much esteemed lady, 70 years old. (The Van Zandter, Wills Point, Tex, Jan 12, 1900 - vm)

Myrtle Springs, Texas, August 24 - Mrs. Stella Murrey, wife of Editor W. A. T. Murrey of the Texas Fruit Grower, died on Wednesday, the 23rd instant, and was buried at Myrtle Cemetery. (The Houston Daily Post, Houston, Tex, Aug 28, 1899 - vm)

Grand Saline Motorist Is Killed in Collision.
Grand Saline, Texas, May 17. Gaston Payne of Grand Saline was instantly killed Thursday morning two miles west of town when his car collided with one driven by a man named Simmons who was attempting to pass a truck and tried to take to the ditch when he saw the Payne car approaching from the opposite direction.
Mr. Payne is survived by his wife and two children. One son, Walter, is valedictorian of this year's graduating class in Grand Saline High School. (Dallas Morning News, May 18, 1934, Submitted by: Christina Anthony)

Mrs. S. Q. Richardson of Dallas died on the 7th inst., of pic--- Mrs. Richardosn was an estimated christian lady about sixty-four years of age. She leaves a husband and eight daughters to mourn her death. Four of her daughters live at Grand Saline, and the other four live in Dallas.
The Sun extends sincere --- other relatives and friends for their great loss. (The Grand Saline Sun, Grand Saline, Tex, Mar 19, 1896 - vm)

Death of an Old Newspaper man.
Wills Point, Tex., Nov. 18. R. J. Ridgell, Esq., of Edom died of pneumonia yesterday morning, after a very short illness. His remains passed through here today, being taken to Terrell for Interment. Mr. Ridgell was an old newspaper man, having been connected with newspapers here, Athens and Plano.
There is prevailing here now a dense smoke, which is distressing. The sun appears perfectly red, so dense is the smoke. (Dallas Morning News, November 19, 1887, Submitted by: Christina Anthony)

At Canton, Tex, Mrs. Nannie T. Riley fell in a well and drowned. (Bryan Morning Eagle, Bryan, Tex, Oct 11, 1905 - vm)

Quanah, Nov. 11 (Special) - Funeral services for Roy T. Samson, 78, of Quanah, will be held at 4 p.m. Wednesday in the First Baptist Church here with Dr. W. E. Norman, pastor, officiating.
Burial will be in Quanah Cemetery , under direction of Knowles Funeral Home of Quanah.
Mr. Samson, a long time merchant here, died Monday night in Memorial Hospital , after an illness of several days. He had been in failing health for several months.
Born March 10, 1880, in Van Zandt County, Tex., Mr. Samson moved to Quanah 61 years ago to help his uncle operate a butcher shop. Later he became a bookkeeper, sold real estate and did construction work before he opened Samson Furniture and Hardware Store in 1911. This store is now operated by his son Roy B. Samson.
Survivors are his wife, Maud; two daughters, Mrs. Oran Mowrey of Paducah and Mrs. Al Chambers of Littlefield; a son, Roy B. Samson; three brothers, Earl Samson of Bowie, Walker Samson of Grand Saline and O. E. Samson of Shreveport, La., and five grandchildren. (Newspaper unknown, November 14, 1958; transcribed by Sandra Stutzman)

Fruitvale Rites Held For Oldest Resident
Fruitvale, Texas, Jan. 2. Funeral services for Mrs. Nancy Jane Shields, 82, oldest resident of Fruitvale and one of the oldest natives of Van Zandt County, were held here.
Mrs. Shields was born Nov. 25, 1866, and was a daughter of the late Joe G. Cox and Mary Reader Cox, pioneer citizens of Van Zandt County. She lived all her life near her birthplace south of Grand Saline. She was a member of the Primitive Baptist Church.
Surviving are two sons, W. J. Shields of George West, Live Oak County, Texas, and John I. Shields of Fruitvale, and a daughter, Mrs. Katie Cline of Fruitvale. (Dallas Morning News, January 3, 1949, Submitted by: Christina Anthony)

Canton, Texas, August 12 - Died yesterday afternoon, Mrs. Floy Sides, wife of Mr. L. F. Sides. The remains were interred this morning in Canton cemetery. She leaves three small children. (The Houston Daily Post, Houston, Tex, Aug 15, 1899 - vm)

The youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Spears of Grand Saline died Tuesday night. It had been sick for some time. Remains were entombed in the Canton Cemetery yesterday afternoon, Rev. H. B. Urquhart conducting the funeral exercises. The Enterprise sympathizes with the bereaved family. (Free State Enterprise, Canton, Tex, Nov 7, 1901 - vm)

Bob Stewart's infant babe died in -Green last week. (Free State Enterprise, Canton, Tex, Oct 31, 1901 - vm)

Wills Point , Tex. , Feb. 1. – A. P. Sullivan, the oldest man in Van Zandt County, as well as its pioneer, died last night at his ranch, “Longwood,” north of town. Mr. Sullivan was 85 years of age. He opened one of the first farms in this county. (Dallas Morning News, 2 Feb. 1901 MZ)

We were made sad at the announcement of the death of William Tate on the 13th inst. He died of pneumonia after several days suffering. His remains were interred in the Old Bethel cemetery Tuesday evening. (The Canton Telephone, Canton, Tex, Jan 17, 1890 - vm)

Wills Point , Texas , Oct. 25. – The body of Corporal John Bruce Waller of the Field Artillery was buried here yesterday. Corporal Waller died from pneumonia following influenza at Fort Sill , Ok. (Dallas Morning News, 26 Oct. 1918 MZ)

Fruitvale Postmaster Dies.
E.H. Whitten, Pioneer Resident of Texas, Expires After Illness of Several Weeks.
Fruitvale, Van Zandt Co., Texas, April 2. E.V. Whiitten, postmaster at this place for eighteen years died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J.F. Hawkins, Thursday night after an illness of several weeks. The deceased was an ex-Confederate soldier and a pioneer of Texas, moving from Kempter County, Mississippi, to Freestone County in 1868, settling near Cotton Gin, about five miles northwest of the present town of Teague.
The deceased is survived by a son, L.L. Whitten, and daughter, Mrs. J.F. Hawkins, and three grandchildren and two sisters, Mrs. Mary Crews of Navaro and Mrs. J.M. Day of Teague.
The body was buried Friday, in the will far exceed the supply alloted to Mr. [Whitten's] wife, who died five years ago.
Out of respect to the deceased all business houses were closed all day Friday and the public school was dismissed. The deceased had been a reader of The Dallas News for many years. (Dallas Morning News, April 3, 1916, Submitted by: Christina Anthony)

WILLIAMS, R. S. "Rabbit"
GRAND SALINE - Services for R. S. "Rabbit" Williams, 84, Grand Saline, are pending with Bartley Funeral Home in Grand Saline.
Mr. Williams died Wednesday in a Grand Saline hospital after a brief illness.
He was born Aug. 19, 1905, in Garden Valley, and lived in Grand Saline since 1975.
Mr. Williams was a U. S. Army veteran of World War II and worked in oil field construction.
He was a member of Calvary Baptist Church at Silver Lake.
Survivors include his wife, Ruby Williams, Grand Saline; and his sister-in-law, Faye Williams, Garden Valley, Tyler (Morning Telegraph, Jan 18, 1990, submitted by Anna Shelton)

Death of Mrs. S. R. Williams
Mrs. S. R. Williams, mother of Dr. W. O. Williams of this place, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Sallie Wood, in the city of Austin, Tuesday, Oct. 29, at 1:30 o'clock p.m. Mrs. Williams had been sick about two weeks, and congestion of the bowels was the malady which caused her death. Had she lived only a few hours longer she would have been 86 years of age, her birthday being Oct. 30.
Deceased had been a member of the Methodist Church for a number of years and lived a consistent Christian life - a life which has been a blessing to her associates and friends and will continue to wield an influence for good for years to come.The Enterprise deeply sympathizes with the grief stricken relatives and friends. (Free State Enterprise, Canton, Tex, Nov 7, 1901 - vm)

Death of Jacob B. Willson
Passed Away in Shreveport Sunday and Was buried Here Yesterday.
Jacob B. Willson died at the home of his mother in Shreveport, La., Sunday morning at 3 o'clock, from Bright's disease, and the remains were brought to this city yesterday for burial, with funeral services by Dr. West at the Presbyterian Church yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock and interment following at the city cemetery.
Mr. Willson was 35 years old and was born at Canton, Texas. He was a son of Mrs. W. H. Willson, formerly of this city, and the late Dr. W. H. Willson, who is buried here. He had been ill for about nine months and spent several months at Mineral Wells and at Galveston in the hope of regaining his health. He returned with other members of the family to Shreveport about a month ago.
Mrs. Willson, Mr. Walter Willson and Miss Lillie Willson of Shreveport, Mr. and Mrs. Eustace Taylor and Mrs. Thos. W. Stewart of Galveston were here to attend the funeral. (The Eagle, Bryan, Tex, Dec 12, 1905 - vm)

Obituaries and Death Notices of Van Zandt County, Texas (2024)
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